
ExxonMobil Finance Leadership Development

Curated Resources for Leadership Development

Interested in strengthening one of your leadership competencies? Look no further.

This customer web portal is specifically developed for leaders who have completed the Denison Leadership Development 360 survey and have identified focus areas for development. We have carefully selected resources and gathered intelligence on each of the indices in the Denison Leadership 360 Model. These resources are meant to help leaders interpret their results. The indices roll up into the four key drivers of strong leadership as proven by our research: MISSIONCONSISTENCYINVOLVEMENT; ADAPTABILITY.

Each key driver is broken into three indices, or “competencies”, as listed in the colored boxes below. Each competency has three groupings of resources that we have included for leaders to utilize:

Self-Directed Learning: Books, publications, videos and articles that can be read and watched at your own pace and time. [Note: Majority of the content is open-source but some of the sources may require a subscription.]

Learning On-The-Job: Practice this competency on-the-job, using actionable behaviors and ideas for what other leaders are doing to develop this competency for themselves and their teams.

Social Learning: Identify a suitable form of learning from others through mentoring and/or coaching.


To review your Denison 360 results, you can use the Denison 360 overview and interpretation guide – CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

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